The typical law firm associate reads through stacks upon stacks of contracts, certificates, registers, invoices, letters, emails and all sorts of documents to find the required information. Every project has a deadline and every task must be perfect. But how can a human possibly read through all the documents to find important information without missing anything?
That is where machine assistance comes in. Just drag and drop or otherwise upload due diligence documents onto your cloud drive and type in keywords to help sift through the relevant from the irrelevant.
Any factual inconsistencies within a document or a set of documents will be highlighted for your attention.
Our software helps reveal deviations from otherwise similar standardized documents so you can focus on whether those differences deserve further attention.
Our software is flexible. Just like Netflix has its algorithm predicting your viewing preferences, our software learns from your habits. From your decisions with respect to each document, our technology notices your requirements, then using those observations, highlights further documents that also deserve your attention. You train our software to act like you with effortless ease.
Much of administrative work involves extracting information from one document and transferring data to another standardized form.
Automate the information extraction and form-filling exercise with our technology to lessen your workload and reduce errors.
Your clients come from all over the world and their documents are in many different languages. Get a quick sense of the contents of foreign language documents simply by clicking on the document to preview a translated version in a window. Available in English, French, Chinese, Spanish and German.
After years of storing all sorts of documents on a hard disk, unless you are super organized with an efficient filing system that you follow every single time without fail, you are bound to misplace a document somewhere, hidden in some folder.
Why not try our software and run it through your hard drive? With a few keyword searches, you can find the document you need.
Our software groups similar documents together so you see all your invoices grouped with other invoices, not hidden in other folders.
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